Michael Andrews Bespoke Suits. The Feel of Luxury.

What excited me about Michael Andrews was his unorthodox approach to high fashion. Buried deep within an alley in NoHO, NYC, you will find a Shangri-La of fine fashion. Here resides the world of Michael Andrews Bespoke, where fashion starts with a smooth glass of good scotch, an unyielding library of fabric swatches, and a casual sit down conversation. This “wearer-turn-maker” approaches the normally daunting process of suitmaking with a user-aware ease of confidence you would be hard to find anywhere else, which is perhaps why such luminaries as Philharmonic powerhouse Rachel Drehmann and the Golden God himself David Genat choose Michael Andrews above all else. The quality of the suits are parallel to anything on Savile Road, and range from the modest, to the embarrassingly expensive $40,000.00 pure Vicuna three piece, of which perhaps only 5 exist in the world. What’s more, Michael Andrews is one of the only fine female tailors in the world, catering the complex and wholly overlooked woman’s suit market, making it truly a forward thinking, and looking, bespoke suit shop. 


