So. You Wanna Squeeze Things.

If there’s one thing Japan knows how to do, it’s adorable animals. And no, I’m not talking about the perfectly groomed Shiba Inu you’ll see everywhere (though they are little clouds of perfection). I’m talking about the real MVPs of Japanese cuteness—the wild animals. Prepare yourselves, because your heartstrings are about to be yanked in every direction.

First up: **Nara’s famous deer**. These little charmers roam freely around Nara Park, and here’s the kicker—they bow to you. Yes, that’s right, polite deer. You give them a little snack, and they respond with a bow like they’re thanking you for the privilege of being fed. They look innocent enough, but fair warning—these deer know what they’re doing. Fail to produce snacks, and they’ll swiftly go from cute to mildly terrifying. You’ve been warned.

Then, there’s the **snow monkeys** of Jigokudani. Picture this: it’s winter, there’s snow everywhere, and these red-faced monkeys are lounging in hot springs like they’ve just wrapped up a long day at the monkey office. They’ve mastered the art of relaxation. You, on the other hand, will be standing in the freezing cold watching them, wondering why you can’t join in.

Next on the list of adorableness: **Japanese flying squirrels**. They’re nocturnal, so you may not see one, but if you do, be prepared for a creature so cute it defies logic. They glide from tree to tree with their fluffy bodies like tiny, airborne teddy bears. If cuteness were a competition, these guys would be gold medalists.

And finally, the **capybara**, Japan’s favorite oversized rodent. These giant, laid-back guinea pigs love to bathe in hot springs (yes, more hot springs) and look like they’re permanently chilling out. If they had thumbs, they’d probably be scrolling Instagram while sipping a latte.

Japan’s animals are living proof that nature has a sense of humor—and a soft spot for all things cute.

@franklinthewoman Capybara Hot Spring ♨️🍊 From January until the beginning of April, you can see the capybara take their daily bath at the Izu Shaboten Zoo. Weekdays: 1:30pm, weekends: 10:30am & 1:30pm. Check the zoo’s website for the schedule because there are only certain days where they add fruit or flowers to the bath water! On this day they added だいだい (dai-dai) bitter orange to the bath! 🍊 it’s one of the few fruit the capybara won’t eat 😂 📍Izu Shaboten Zoo (Shizuoka) 🎟️: ¥2,700 for adults 🚃: def easier to go by car but you could also take the train to Izukogen station and get a taxi or bus to the zoo. 🎥: 2/17/24 @franklinthewoman #capybara #izushabotenzoo #shizuoka #shizuokaprefecture #japan #japantrip #japantravel ♬ Capybara - Сто-Личный Она-Нас & Betsy

