Ooni brings Neapolitan pizza home in 60 seconds
I’m not saying that I was born to eat pizza, but I’m pretty sure I’m genetically geared to shoot it. When Ooni reached out to do a cross platform campaign I coolly said “would be happy to” but inside was I screaming with joy. A few days later I had a their beautiful 16” Koda oven and was ready to get my pizzaiolo on. I wanted to have a multi platformed campaign that would tickle a wide area of interest, so I opted for a series of films that would be carefully branded but wildly diverse in interest, capitalizing on cross marketing with other like minded brands. The result was 10 films that range from cinematic recipe films, to unboxing videos, and broadcast ready TVCs, complete with supporting photography and all center cut for the all mighty Instagram and TikTok. Like Ooni’s pizza, I think it’s pretty damn tasty and I’m extremely proud of the range of work done here, but not proud of the extra pounds I put on making them.
So what’s an Ooni? - I crafted this instructional anthem to be anything but generic. Taking a page from Dr. Squatch soap, the 5 second opener is meant to capture YouTube audience and keep them hooked with an insane script, psychedelic visuals, and fluid information that plays more like a Tim and Eric sketch then a commercial.
(Intended Platform: YouTube, Hulu, Amazon, Netflix)
Roberta’s Pizza Dough Recipe - A highly cinematic recipe film done in the style of Chef’s Table featuring the most famous pizza dough recipe around from Roberta’s in NYC. This film focuses on a popular, highly searched recipe, with minimal product placement to maximize authentic sharability.
(Intended Platform: Blogs (Eater, Gothamist, La Cucina Italiana, etc.)
Get in the ‘zone - An add-on social film that capitalizes on the fiery subculture of Calzone enthusiasts. No seriously, there is a huge community of people who love calzones and no one is selling pizza ovens to them.
(Intended Platform: Social Media)
When is a good time to Ooni - a comical 30s spot modeled after popular TikTok videos to drive home how easy and quick it is to make homemade pizza to combat any consumers that a pizza oven is a burden to use.
(Intended Platform: Broadcast)
Ooni Unboxing Video - Unboxing videos are crazy popular, and this is an advanced version meant to highlight the ease of use and introduce unknowing consumers to the product.
(Intended Platform: YouTube)
Not just for Pizza - Ooni has some amazing accessories that allow you to do so much more then just pizza with your oven. This film highlights the cast iron line of product they offer and the amazing roasts you can use them with.
(Intended Platform: Product Site, Social Media)
60 second pizza - The most amazing (and surprising) feature is that your pizza is ready in only 60 seconds. Consumers main concern with the pizza oven was that it would be a hassle to use. This lightning fast video shows you just how fast you can have homemade pizza, hopefully dispelling any concern from weary possible consumers.
(Intended Platform: Product Site, Social Media)