NOMAD Espresso - A Jumpstart from their Kickstarter.
If you have ever had real espresso, the kind that makes your eyes squint with disbelief that you can actually taste gold, then you will know the almost impossible journey one must take to get that experience in one’s own home. NOMAD had the solution; a portable, beautifully designed, portable espresso maker that had simple yet advanced onboard tech that guaranteed a perfect cup of espresso every single time.
The only problem is that no one really knew it.
NOMAD had launched on Kickstarter in 2019 with over 700 backers and just shy of 125k which was enough to get the product up and running and on the market, but unfortunately growth dwindled from there. The easy part about my job is when a product as good as the NOMAD presents itself. It’s beautiful, fun, and most of all, does exactly what it says. It was easy to create a few different pieces that would function on multiple levels. There was the teaser film that was a traditional 30s TVC, a longer 60s piece for social to be used to entice coffee experts and aficionados by its simplicity, functionality and beautiful design, a fun, fast unboxing which are extremely popular on YouTube, and even a casual unbiased review which outperforms nearly everything on TikTok.
The last objective was releasing these films on multiple social platforms allowing for natural discovery and share-ablitiy which is always the goal for anything I produce. I sweetened the deal a bit by doing a little cross promotion with La Colombe coffee who I have worked with in the past, and had a waiting audience for, which meant the NOMAD would have optimal chances of increased sales. Creama baby, all day every day.